![]() 23 May Another great week on then HelmsdaleThe 100 mark was hit once again last week on the Helmsdale with estates averaging around 15 fish each. Super water and obviously lots of fish around resulted in some excellent sport. Nothing outstanding in weight was landed but it was good to see steady runs of fish migrating through the system. The upper beats once again produced most of the action mainly because "that's where most of the rods were fishing"! The main news of the week however was unfolding on the Association water with 9 for the week. A quiet start began with a fish for Archie Miller on Monday and a visiting rod on Tuesday. We had to wait until Thursday before another 2 were caught by William Jappy who also had his third for the week on Friday. Unfortunately I was on the Deveron river on Saturday taking part in the Deveron Fishing Festival, low water levels produced no fish on Forglen beat that day but the Loomis rods on demo were outstanding! I will be stocking some very soon!! Saturday on the Helmsdale Association water however, produced 4 to the delight of Fred Unwin pictured below with his first Helmsdale fish. Alan Scott visiting from Inverness also managed to get in on the act fishing the first ever Inverness AC Exchange ticket by landing a fine 12 pounder from the style pool on a 12 Cascade double (pic of fish and pool also below). 2 other fish were taken by locals on the day, P Macmillan & S Macaulay all broke the duck, lots of fish were running that day. This proves that the lower river will fish well if rods are on the water - shame our lovely river is so under fished above the Association water. All the usual flies worked well, Alistairs, Coneheads, Cascades and TDs The tail of the Style pool at the top of the Association water where Alan Scott had his first fish of the season. Fred Unwin with his first of the season, a fine 10 pounder Day tickets are readily available on the Association water for just £26 per rod and chances are obviously very good at the moment. Call the tackle Shop to book or simply turn up on the day. We will advise you on the best size/pattern of fly for the water levels on the day and supply a map of the water. Access to this beat is very easy and an enjoyable day's fishing should be had!