
Helmsdale tops 100 for the week.

Ronald Sutherland

The Helmsdale scored heavily last week and way above prediction! Water levels were good from 1ft 3 early in the week, another top up on Thursday kept things moving and the anglers were loving it! The upper Helmsdale fished it's socks off with all beats providing great action right up to the loch although no fish were caught on the loch.

A snippet from Achentoul rods "we had 7 this morning on beat 2 above and lost as many" Most estates caught in the high teens but Suisgill rods led by ghillie Donald Sutherland had 27 for the week, Super fishing. The the Association water did not take advantage as fish were obviously running hard and not hanging around. Only 2 were caught by usual suspect William Jappy and visiting angler Gordon Stewart. The total for the week was over 100 fish. The river is way up again today at around 2ft , this will spoil things a little initially but I have no doubt the fishing will be excellent when the water settles once again.

Coneheads were the big killers - the Willie Dog was "top dog" Alistair's tied on copper tubes/coneheads also caught their fair share. Most of the other Highland rivers should pick up some water now to kick start their seasons - a very good time to get out on the water so get those flies ordered!!

The deadly Willie Dog Conehead Temple Dog

Willie Dog Comehead TD

John Broke-Smith

May 17, 2011
9:16 am
Just for the record, Suisgill had 28 fish all caught on the Alistair expertly tied by Donald Sutherland.