
Magical May on the way

It is still spring but it is almost summer and the month of May is the perfect transition of tactics to ease us properly into full blown summer fishing. In May, salmon are still grabbing large tubes and coneheads fished deep but they are also beginning to cast an eye towards the surface with every degree that the water warms up.

Anglers are already enjoying the early fruits of very early summer style fishing by catching fish on the fabled Sunray Shadow which has the ability to pull fish up to the surface from any depth and have a go at the fly with a heart stopping explosion usually, it is amazing to see. Then as we drift into May properly our fly size generally starts to drop ( apart from the large Sunray ). Size 8 doubles and small coneheads are more the order of the day unless the water is really low and clear.

So, Ron has put together a selection of magical may flies for you, all of which are proven fish catchers apart from one which we know will work a treat - our new Golden Pearly Alys Shrimp, another stunning take on the deadly original Pearly Allys shrimp.

This is a great set at a great price with options to have it boxed and with or without tube doubles added, grab it right here - https://www.helmsdalecompany.com/magical-may-salmon-flies-pro-deal

Also, we have a superb new UV Collie/Sunray up for grabs for £1.50 right here - https://www.helmsdalecompany.com/rs-uv-collie-sunray

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