13 February The river Helmsdale is still blank but the season is fully up and running now and some lovely spring salmon are being caught all over the UK. Now is the time to stock up on some great flies and we have 2 superb deals for you right here on some of the absolute best. (pics below) The RS Pot bellied Pig selection is our latest selection where we are giving you 12 of these deadly flies for the price of 10 and further below you will see another unbeatable deal on the most legendary spring salmon fly of them all - the Classic Brora Willie Gunn on a 'buy one get one free' BOGOF deal. Over the years the Brora Willie Gunn has outfished all other spring salmon flies so you definitely need some in your flybox. Buy the RS PBP selection for your 2 free flies here - Buy your BOGOF deal on the Brora Willie Gunns here - Classic Brora Willie Gunn - buy with or without hook. 8 February Some lovely springers are now being caught on a few rivers, Dee, Tweed, Tay, Oich, Carron, Brora and a few others have all scored so its time to get the rod out and get on that outrageously good Gaelforce flyline, we very highly recommend them and you will be hugely impressed with their performance. I fish them all the time and they are an absolute joy to behold for distance, slickness and perfect turnover with or without the range of perfect sinking polyleaders that you can use with them in spring. Every Gaelforce line from us comes with 3 of our best spring tubes to get you going and don't forget to grab some of the sinking polytips to get those spring flies down just a little. The Spey and shooting heads come with a fully integrated running line so no nasty loops to bump through the eyes of your rod! Check out our range from Gaelforce right here, you will never buy a better line! - And you know all about our flies which are on a 3 + 1 deal too so get yourself organised for a superb casting experience this season with one of our deadly flies and you have a great chance of hooking that priceless spring salmon wherever you fish. Tight lines.
30 January The Helmsdale is still asleep but conditions are absolutely perfect with the river running at around 1ft. As usual once the opening free fishing dust settles, the river gets very lightly fished. The Association water is producing a few kelts for Andy Sutherland who rarely misses out on catching the first fish on the river. I have a feeling this week or next will give a sea-liced fish and the association water is as good a bet as any. We have launched a couple of new deadly Willie Gunn patterns this week which you can see below and both will be available to buy from today. These are tied by Ron to order and therefore not in our 3 + 1 deal right now but both are stunning tubes as you can see. RS Willie Gunn Solar Monkey RS Willie Gunn Baxters Babe 23 January The Helmsdale is still very quiet but with the current conditions it should give a January springer up very soon...they MUST be in the system now! Check this report out midweek as we are launching some stunning new flies, don't miss it!!! With more rivers opening very soon on Feb 1st please take advantage of our 3 + 1 deal on salmon flies to get your fresh new sparkling supply to seek out those fresh run springers! Simply order any multiple of 3 flies and we will add another of the same fly free for you.
16 January The Helmsdale has been in fine fettle and ice free for the opening week but surprisingly no fresh fish have been reported, it is just a matter of time as the river drops. Hopefully the good conditions forecast for next week will encourage anglers back on the water and we will see a lovely highland springer caught and released very soon! We are still running a 3 + 1 on all flies so grab some of our best when you have the chance to stock up. Tight lines 12 January No fresh fish off on the opening 2 days, The river has been a little unsettled with snowmelt but overhead conditions are great, It is just a matter of time. Get your rods out for the free fishing and grab some of our flies...There will be a springer in there and the more the river drops the better your chances. Concentrate on the lower 3 beats of the river ( both banks) where there is some beautiful fly water, we will keep you posted on any highlights. Here is our absolute best new spring selection which includes the favoured black & yellow combos which catch so many early season spring salmon. We also have a spring 3 + 1 deal running on all salmon flies so order any multiple of 3 flies and we will pop in a free fly for you. Tight lines 5 January Our amazing RS design Alistair Specials are ready and waiting for you to order. Pure gold and real junglecock tied on copper tubes in 2", 1.5" & 1". The Helmsdale will be open very soon and many more rivers will quickly follow so grab some of these beauties online here and we will get then in the post to you First Class mail, you know you want them....... Happy New year and tight lines Buy now right here -
29 December Salmon rivers all over the UK will be opening very soon and many anglers are getting very excited at the prospect of an interruption free season. So, Here we have a small selection of very special salmon flies that have caught opening day springers plus a FREE RS Classic which is also well proven to catch Spring salmon, the beauriful Silver Wilkinson copper tube. The set includes the following tubeflies (below) which you can also buy separately on our website. We have plenty of the favourite 20 & 18lbs Maxima Chameleon which is the most popular early season nylon and you can buy the flies with trebles or doubles also. Rs Dee Monkey silver conehead - 1" - 4" hairwing Rs Alistair Gold Special 1.5" copper tube Gold Bodied Willie Gunn 1.5" copper tube Rs Torrish Morangie 1" copper tube Free Fly - Rs Silver Wilkinson 1" copper tube. Buy now right here for opening day -
16 December We now have the outstanding Loop tube double hooks back in stock along with their superb new up-eye salmon double. Loop doubles have always been the "go to" best selling hook for serious salmon anglers looking for best quality in strength and hooking capability and you can buy them right here now - RS Spring Alistair Chartreuse loop double, a couple of new specials on the new hooks from Ron 4 December This is one of the best salmon fly selections you will ever see for spring fishing. Black & Yellow is the "go to" colour combo in Spring and this tube selection is simply stunning. All of these tubes have been designed by Ron and you can only buy them from Helmsdale Co. There are also options to buy with tube doubles or boxed with tube doubles in a top quality tube fly box with compartments to start building your spring fly collection. Snap this one up if you want to catch spring salmon You can buy now right here - Boxed with selection of tube doubles |