


Last week best week

Ronald Sutherland

The season closed out on a real high with around 300 fish off in the last week and many in the 20lbs + range. As an outdoor sporting event its as good as it gets and suggests a healthy population in the river. Sadly all good things come to an end and it is now time to leave gravid fish to get on and do what they came to do.

Talking of outdoor sporting events, the golfing spectacular "greatest show on earth" hits fever-pitch today between Europe and the USA. I have the feeling that the famous Ryder Cup trophy will not be heading back West, the European stars look like they are cruising to victory.

The salmon season may be all but over in the North but the Tweed etc in the south are just getting into gear. Anyone fishing late should bag up on some of our deadly autumn fly selections, hand picked and proven flies over the years which also hammered fish on the Helmsdale over the last 2 weeks.



Big finish!

Ronald Sutherland

The Helmsdale sprung into life along with most rivers after rain finally arrived. Around 250 were reported off the river last week and many fish were in the high teens and 20+ range, the upper beats scoring heavily and the Association water produced around 70. This week has also started very well with some incredible sport so the season will end on a real high. 28 were caught on just one beat.

I had a day on the Findhorn Association water and was quickly into the fish on the RS SuperSnaelda Red Gold tungsten conehead. The pics below are from the Roadside pool. This water is fishing very well right now and Graham Bell had 4 landed before I even got going! he landed another 2 with the biggest at 19lbs for a personal best day of 6. Big thanks to both Graham Bell and Glyn Phillips for showing me the water and organising the day ticket, Glyn had 3 fish on the day also and I am very much looking forward to going back for a cast.

RS Red/Gold SuperSnaelda - which you can buy here in 4 deadly options  -

Two for me before the river went quiet.

Graham Bell with his biggest from Sonnies pool



Rain at last!

Ronald Sutherland

The weather is set to break this week infact after a night of heavy rain last night many rivers are rising as I write, including the Helmsdale. Salmon will now be on the move at long last and be heading for their spawning grounds at high speed and this is your chance for some great sport and maybe your first action of the season.

Big flies and a selection of sinking tips will do the job wherever you fish so now is the time to grab some of our killers and get out on the water....Copper Tubes and coneheads will be pefect, if you want my perfect autumn pick look no further than out RS SuperSnaelda red/gold tungsten conehead and Rs Red Cascade Pro fished off a sinking tip. If this pair of well proven tubes do not catch you salmon in the autumn then nothing will!

RS Red Cascade Pro - buy here now -

RS SuperSnaelda Red/Gold tungsten conehead buy here -

Tight lines, the season is going to finish with a BANG!




New Autumn killers category.

Ronald Sutherland

As autumn kicks in we will hopefully get some proper rain and rivers will rise, thats when tactics finally change and bigger flies fished on sinking tips catch the majority of salmon. In the meantime don't forget to grab a set of out stunning micro tubes ( see them in reports below ) which are catching salmon everywhere dispite the low water.

The Helmsdale is just simmering and 30 - 40 fish are coming off weekly, many on micro tubes.

To help you we have set up a new autumn category which offers all the most successful patterns and accessories. Click here to grab superb autumn flies from the past and present -

A couple of our best below to get the juices flowing...RS SuperSquid red conehead.



River bare bones.

Ronald Sutherland

It's tough work finding positives when it comes to fishing reports this season but we are all getting used to it...the river gave up around 30 hard fought fish last week due to the dexterity of some very keen anglers. Low water prevails and the river has finally succumbed to the ravaging lack of rain as compensation water runs out. Longstanding ghillies report that they have never witnessed such a low river in their lifetime, par for the course I guess this season. Next spate will be a bonanza but will it happen soon enough? Light tackle, micro flies and a wiley approach are the tactics.....all part of the craft! We have all the micro flies required (see below ) and our absolute best selection can be purchased right here -