


Close season fly tying masterclass

Ronald Sutherland

I am planning fly tying lessons in the close season if there is enough interest.

They will consist of 2 - 3 days flytying and discussion on all aspects of "salmon" fly-tying and tactics . Solar Monkey, SuperSnaelda, SuperSquid, Coneheads, etc etc the list of our successful flies and inventions is very long.
The tying course will show you how to master all of them and many more.

If there is enough interest I will be able to approach hotels on Speyside and hopefully arrange a deal on accom for everyone.

There is no limit to the number courses but each one would be limited to 6 people, cost per person still to be worked out.

If you or a party of friends are interested please contact me and we can set a couple of days superb flytying and tactical talk...



Autumn is kicking in (update)

Ronald Sutherland

19/9/17 Latest update is around 150 off last week after great water, the total could have been many more if the river was more settled.

We also have a buy 2, get 1 free, on this deadly Willie Gunn Temple Dog in copper or tungsten. Simply order online and we add one more free, click here to buy -

RS Willie Gunn Temple Dog. A stunning tube for autumn fishing on a sinking tip. available in 0.5", 0.75", 1"


The Helmsdale provided around 65 fish last week as the unsettled autumn conditions moved in. This week is also proving very unsettled and the river is very high indeed. The upper beats should produce as soon as the river starts dropping. We have all the gear required to catch salmon in the autumn (as you know ) or just call us for advice, we are always available to chat.

We have cracking pocket sized salmon fly selections in Baxters of Fochabers now also ( pic below ) so pop in if you get the chance, Its a superb place to shop and eat with a huge choice of great products from local and international businesses. Our large selection of our best flies is selling well and with all the big water about it would be a good idea to top up on your Monkey and red Frances tubes, top autumn killers.

Christmas is coming, yes, not Halloween yet but its the time to start thinking of that Loop rod you have always wanted or replacing top of the range Simms gear, indulge are worth it! Below I'm letting you into part of an email I received from a very experienced guide who I had the pleasure of having by my side last week. The point being that I was using my favourite setup of Loop Cross S1 salmon rod and Gaelforce line, The dream combo I won't change for anything! effortless power and accuracy and a total pleasure to fish with.

Big news and amazing new flies coming soon


"Hi Ron,

Thank you for your reply and for your compliments, that is very much appreciated. It was a pleasure guiding someone of your extreme casting capability and covering the water so perfectly. I enjoyed watching every cast, it was a real pleasure I can assure you.

Thank you also for sending some of the flies which worked so well for you, that’s very kind".


We are giving away £50 worth of our flies with every Loop Cross S1 rod purchased for Christmas.

We are ordering from Loop & Simms soon so if you fancy giving yourself or receiving (working on) an awesome Christmas present this year please order online or call/email me and we can get it all for you in plenty of time. Treat yourself...casting should be a pleasure, not a chore!

Drop into Baxters Fochabers on the banks of the Spey and grab some of these, great little Christmas presents.