


Looking for a drop in temp

Ronald Sutherland

Don't forget our online shop is open 24/7 you can buy your flies and accessories ( and Christmas presents ) right now using your smartphone or tablet, on the go!

The Helmsdale is drifting towards the end of the season picking away. Great water last week after a dry spell would normally have heralded a killing, but it was not to be. The river topped 3 ft at one point but a drop in temperature is now required to finish the season with a bang. Recent weeks have reported around 40+ fish off so the sport has not exactly switched off but you have had to work for your reward. Locally Gordon Davidson and John "Hardy" Sutherland had fish and a few visitors got in on the act too. As usual its the angler who can best adapt to the conditions who catches the most fish so my recommendation to all is to have the following flies to hand if they want to score.

RS Willie Gunn Feeler tube, one of our deadliest back end fly designs -

It is no secret that reds, oranges and black or combinations in all work very well in the Autumn and we have best flies at the ready.

Tungsten tubes - Frances and black boar for cooler conditions and deep presentation.

Coneheads, tungsten or brass, Cascade, Black & Red TD,  Red Alistair, Red & Gold SuperSnaelda, again for deeper presentation in coloured water.

Sunray Shadow,  Laerdal Hot Orange for clear water close to the surface.

Bottle tube Monkey, red or orange for a deep big swing across the fish.

SuperKrill for high coloured water, salmon cannot resist them.

Willie Gunn Feeler and Solar SuperSnaelda for general high water on sinking tips.

Micro Tubes, micro coneheads and tiny doubles for low clear water.

We have all the sinking tips required also and a huge range of hooks.

The season in Scotland is open on some rivers until the end of November, get on the water if you can as there are lots of fish around this season, fish deep when temps drop and stand by for action, big fish are waiting!

Don't forget our online shop is open 24/7 you can buy your flies and accessories ( and Christmas presents ) right now using your smartphone or tablet, on the go!