


Sunshine spoils the fun!

Ronald Sutherland


The North was bathed in sunshine last week apart from the odd interruption of an Easterly harr on the coast. High pressure and an easterly flow are not condusive to top sport when it comes to salmon fishing. All things considered we had a hard act to follow if last year was anything to go by. This week last year the Ian Muir team of husband and wife smased all records for Kildonan rods with 43 for the week! a year on and the the conditions demanded the same application but in a more constructive way, we had a completely different challenge with bright sunshine and difficult clear low river but remarkably the same team topped the week with an admirable 10 fish. It was a superb effort by Shona Muir who made all the headlines this time round landing 6 of the 10 recorded from Kildonan showing some well executed tactics and super precise presentation, well done to Shona, a fabulous score indeed in very testing conditions.

The total for the rest of river amounted to around 35 including 3 fish from the Association water. Regular visitor Gordon Stuart had a morning to remember landing 2 fish up to 14lbs on a Cascade fly from the Well pool and streams and Peter Macmillan also netted a 6 pounder. We are now on the look out for the sea-trout to arrive anytime - the midgies have made an appearance so the sea-trout are not far away. Get stocked up on our CDC sea-trout flies for great sport - these new concept mobile flies invented by Ron are super deadly for sea-trout as proven first time round on the Helmsdale river last year. You can order right here now - 

Tight lines.


From my weekly feedback it would seem that approx 70 fish were caught last week. Water levels were very good for most of the week after a washout on Monday but most rods had some decent sport. Kildonan rods would appear to have had the best of it with 19 fish and Borrobol were hot on their heels with 18. The cold spell of weather dictated tactics and fairly large copper tubes and coneheads fished well. The weather for the week ahead looks to be settled and dry with more seasonable temperatures so maybe we will have the luxury of fishing floating lines, smaller tubes and doubles. We have loads of great new fly options available now. The Association water was surprisingly quiet but Alistair Jappy saved the blank again with a super 15 pounder on his favourite deadly 0.75" copper Alistair tube. The fish was hooked in the same pool that his record breaking 27 pounder came from the previous week - Upper Allan. With the river set to drop this week the Association water should fish better. Day tickets are great value for money on this beat at £25 per rod per day, 70yrs and over and 16 and under are half price.

All the deadly flies below are available to buy now right here in a range of sizes so get stuck in, you need an edge! check out all our flies as we have many new options back in stock.

The beautiful Alistair Gold tube

Alistair Gold tube

The legendary Willie Gunn Double

Willie Gunn JC double

Modern Yellow Torrish double

Yellow Torrish double

Explosive Flamethrower tube

Flamethrower tube

Deadly Cascade Feeler double

Cascade Feeler double

How can you resist these flies...order some now while stocks last!

The Helmsdale river roared back into form this week and the scoring was topped by a magnificent record breaking fish of 27lbs for local angler Alistair Jappy. Water levels have been excellent once again and on Saturday evening the upper Allan pool was looking good when Alistair arrived on the ebb of the high tide. His favourite Alistair fly (3/4" copper tube) was promptly chosen for the slightly peat stained water and 30 minutes later the biggest fish caught on the Association water in recent memory was grassed.

Alistair Jappy with his trophy 27 pounder and Upper Allan pool in the background.

Alistair Jappy 27 pounder.

The deadly monster catching Alistair tube. BUY HERE NOW -

Alistair tube fly

The private beats also produced many hefty fish in a week where the score probably reached an encouraging 50 off. The biggest came from the rod of David Rand fishing Achentoul rods at 23lbs, the Upper Carew on beat 2 below was the hot spot and it was caught on a willie Gunn Conehead. Achentoul caught 5 that day on beat 2 just before the river started to rise and spoil things. Martin Grant had a 22 pounder on Kildonan rods and other estates reported fish of 20, 18 & 17lbs.

David Rand with his 23 pounder

David Rand 23 pounder

Association water day tickets are available for only £25 per rod per day - 16yrs and under and 70yrs and over are half price. I think you will agree it is well worth a cast! Call Ron at the Helmsdale Company (01431821372) for all the details and tactics required for a successful day and don't forget to stock up on those deadly Alistair tubes and many more right here - Coneheads were also fishing great last week.




Salmon catches in general eased off last week in the North as water levels fell away and temperatures dropped dramatically. Achentoul rods got off to a flyer on Monday beat 6 on the Helmsdale with 5 fish but unfortunately that was the last scoring day for them. Overall catches were reported at around the 20 mark so you had to work hard for your fish. Anglers were seeing very few fish for the time of the year, I guess we have been spoiled by the greatness of May 2011! Incedentally we have new flies in stock on our homepage, check some of them out here tiny Crimp coneheads, Classic Alistairs, Posh Willie Gunns!

On the local front, Alistair Jappy dropped in from Sea and quickly added to his tally with a fine 12 pounder from the Sewerage pool (amidst heavy snow showers) one of our deadly Willie Gunn Temple Dogs did the trick tied on a 0.5" copper tube. The weather forecast is for heavy rain early next week so lets hope that there are many more fish waiting for it.

The Helmsdale River Board meeting takes place this week and many will be awaiting the outcome of pressure to tighten up the Helmsdale river spring conservation policy. Spring salmon are declining everywhere especially in Jan, Feb, March and now April it would seem and the current policy which allows you to kill the first one you catch is not acceptable or sustainable. It results in almost 100% catch & Kill for the first 3 months of the season. The whole local economy from ghillies to B & Bs need salmon in the river especially early in the season. Something must be done to help save the future of these priceless fish. With all that is currently against the survival of salmon stocks in general - mortality at sea, strict seal protection, increasing numbers of costal netting stations, sea-lice infestation to name a few. It would seem that we are potentially the last chance they have.

We have a few more cracking fly offers for you (see pics below) - Frances flies tied on Loop doubles will especially appeal to anglers heading abroad to fish in the summer. Loop doubles are very strong and have landed many huge salmon in Russia/Norway etc, they are a great favourite at big fish destinations as are the Frances flies reduced from £34.90 to only £19.90 - BUY NOW CLICK LINK We also have Black Boar Shrimp flies on offer - these flies are a more modern version of the legendary Ally's Shrimp fly. Boar bristles in the tail of a fly seem deadly for Summer salmon - you can have a deadly selection for only £16.50 reduced from £30 - BUY NOW CLICK LINK

We have also taken delivery of a superb new salmon film from Sasha Savic - A Passion Called Salmon. This movie is a "must have" for keen salmon anglers with superb big fish action from famous rivers around the world including the Alta, Yokanga and Grand Cascapedia etc. it also adresses the very serious topic of salmon decline. I have watched it and recommend it highly - BUY NOW CLICK LINK

Black Boar Shrimp selection

Black Boar Shrimp selection

Loop Frances flies

Loop Frances flies

A Passion Called Salmon