


Merry Christmas & latest update

Ronald Sutherland

Wishing everyone a very Happy Christmas and we hope you have a prosperous & healthy New Year. Many thanks for supporting us, let's have a superb 2015!

Check out our latest RS Kola Tiger fly...we will have them on sale soon. I would advise you to pre-order on this one!

Its looking good for the big river Opening in just a couple of weeks. The long range weather forecast does not show anything to fear in particular. the river is running very well and temps are above average for the season. There is every chance that springers will be entering the river from now on so get your accom booked and get the rod out!

I will be offering guiding services this time round and I am booked for the first 3 days of the season, but, Thursday Friday & Saturday are still available. If you want to get right into the heat of the action I will take you through the cream of spring pools on the Helmsdale. Give me a call or email and ill book you in for a day or two. I will be fishing through the hot spots with you and ill only guide for 2 rods per day.

Don't forget to have a look back at our archive fishing reports to get a feel for what's coming up, We have some great video footage there also. On the tackle side make sure you grab some of our copper tubes and coneheads in 1.5 - 2". last years opening day fish fell to our RS Alistair tiger tail tube (below) order right here -

Also remember its easy now to sign into the Helmsdale Fishing Forum where all the insider chat is happening on the river. Its a place where people can have their say and engage with each other on many fishy topics. Massive change is on the way for fishery management, why not join the discussion and see how it may affect the Helmsdale river....

I was passed on this interesting link by a friend which shows what can happen to localised atlantic salmon stocks if managed properly and given a fair chance to flourish - http://



Not long now...

Ronald Sutherland

Its time to start looking forward to the big opening of the new season, 5 weeks tomorrow we will be back on the water and searching the lower beats for the most priceless fish of them all, a January springer. I thought I would add a few pics to get you in the mood each week from now. I am also planning recording some short YouTube films from the banks of the classic pools which have provided us with the first fish of the season over the years. look out for them soon on here and facebook.

Orri Vigfusson mingles with the boys as anticipation builds.

As you may also know, there will be no killing of salmon in Scotland next season before April 1st. This directive has come from the Scottish Government and it has been welcomed by all. Catch & release is set to go even further in 2016 when a "kill license" will probably get the nod. This will stop the killing of all salmon in Scotland by anglers unless the river you are fishing has successfully applied to the SG for a license to kill a designated number for which tags will be issued.

Scott Mackenzie looks on as John Sweetman puts his new casting prowess to good use during the opening day Mackenzie Masterclass Kilphedir pool.

So, in order to claim the Bridge Hotel Trophy for landing the first fish next year, you better be prepared with a camera! and the photo needs to be good as it will go through a forensic inspection like no other! As usual there will be more goodies on offer including a top of the range Loop Opti Strike reel and a selection of best Helmsdale Co flies, not forgetting also a bottle of our sponsors finest dram, Clynelish. Mick Buttery has kindly donated a trophy for the first local to catch a fresh fish and this will accompany a £50 tackle voucher from Helmsdale Co.

Kilphedir pool on not such a good day!

Once the turkey is over, dust off your rod and get yourself up to the Helmsdale for the free opening week. Lets hope the weather holds and we can get a fly in the water. Today, the hilltops are white for the first time this winter and the weather is set to dump a load more snow on the hills during the coming week.

Beat 6, 200yds below the falls of Kildonan, this is our temperature barrier until around end March/early April.

Freezing fog at the mouth of the river.

A beautiful sea liced Opening day Helmsdale springer landed by Andy Sutherland on an RS Alistair TigerTail coppertube, Salscraggie pool.

The killer fly last year - RS Alistair TigerTail designed by Ron and now distributed worldwide by Fulling Mill, stock up on them now right here -