It's only 9 weeks to Christmas!....and we have some awesome new Boxed Christmas Cracker fly sets for salmon anglers plud many more. As anglers we love our flies so if you struggle to get something for your fishing friends do not fear as here are 2 great options at 3 different discounted price points.
RS Christmas Crackers come in 2 sets - one is the Black & yellow & Chartreuse spring set and the other is the Traditional set with Willie Gunn, Alistair and Cascade Monkey mixed in with the other favourites like our superpopular Solar Monkey, Black & Yellow Mylar tubes, Chartreuse feeler tube & Black & yellow feeler tubes. We have also added extra coloured extension tubing and tube doubles plus one of the best tube fly boxes out there from Fulling Mill.
Grab a set here to secure it as these will sell out...chect them out below and click the link to buy either or both sets. these great sets.
RS Black & yellow & Chartreuse set - buy here now -
RS Traditional set -
Also, check out our lethal autumn fly set below which is on a "Buty 1 ger 1 free" right now, a superb deal on our most popular autumn salmn flies.
Check the set out below and buy here to receive your free set! -