20 October
Last week we emailed our huge customer database and sign ups to our fishing report to inform of our annual fly "bogof" deal. Your email may or may not have been received by you for any number of reasons as some bounce back to us and do not get delivered occasionally. To qualify you must put "bogof" in the comments section when ordering and purchase over £30 worth of flies excluding selections and brooches.
One of Guys thumping fish from the very picturesque Beech Tree pool estimated at around 20lbs
Its fly-tying season and we have some amazing very long Chinese goat in stock along with many other materials you need to create all sorts of deadly new salmon flies. This Goat hair is the closest material you will see to the fabled tapered monkey hair used in many of our favourite long winged flies. This is as good as it gets for Sunray Shadow, Collie and Monkey patterns - its over a foot long! and you can buy it here right now -
4 October The Helmsdale season has closed for another year and in the last week around 40 fish were accounted for in unsettled conditions. Spring was ok, the rest of the season nothing to write home about. Next season? well salmon have a habit of surprising us and keeping us on our toes so who knows what lies ahead. We do know one thing, unless the fly is in the water we will not know if they are there or not in any numbers so anglers will all be out as usual hoping for that magic rod bending moment. On a more exciting note, I have added another superb new fly to the Helmsdale collection, RS Golden Willie Gunn Krill, check it out and buy it here - RS Golden Willie Gunn Krill - buy 3 get 1 free in our special introductory offer. |